
来源 :国外医学.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wutsc
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春季卡他性角结膜炎(以下简称春卡)是青少年中常见的,侵犯双侧的过敏性眼病。随着感染性眼病的减少,深入认识此类眼病的迫切性日益增加,而近代免疫学的发展也为这种认识提供了可能。自从saemisch(1872)将本病命名为春季卡他至今已有一百多年。对于本病的研究大致可分为临床描述与免疫学研究两个阶段。前一阶段(近100年)主要在临床观察和病理学描述的基础上,通过对比认识到本病的过敏性质;后一阶段虽然时间不长(近10余年)却使人们对本病的病因、发病机理的认识与治疗等取得了飞跃的进步。这种进步是由于免疫学理论与实验手段的进步所赋予的。因此本文侧重介绍近年来国内、外对春卡的免疫学研究情况。 Spring catarrhal keratoconjunctivitis (hereinafter referred to as the spring card) is common in adolescents, violations of bilateral allergic eye disease. With the reduction of infectious ophthalmopathy, the urgency of understanding such ophthalmopathy is increasing day by day, and the development of modern immunology also provides the possibility for this recognition. It has been more than a century since saemisch (1872) named the disease Spring Card. The study of this disease can be divided into clinical description and immunology research in two stages. The previous stage (nearly 100 years) mainly on the basis of clinical observation and pathology, by comparing the recognition of the allergic nature of this disease; the latter stage, although not long (nearly 10 years) has led people to the cause of the disease , Understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment has made leaps and bounds. This progress is due to advances in immunological theory and experimental methods. Therefore, this article focuses on the introduction in recent years at home and abroad on the spring card immunological research.
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