农民党员叶万清是东丰县三合乡东胜村三组组长。二十年前,在一场意外的车祸中,他不幸失去了右腿。但他身残志不残,在发展农村经济中,充分发挥了一名共产党员的‘双带’作用。 一九九三年,村里召开了承包村办石场招标大会,在激烈的竞争中,叶万清以每年上交承包费五万五千元的报价一举夺标。由于他经营有道,管理有方,使这个濒临倒闭的石场焕发了生机。一九九四年,石场创产值五十五万元,他本人获纯利二万元。叶万清富了,但他没有忘记乡亲们,没有忘记自己
Ye Wanqing peasant party is Dongfeng County Sanhe Township Dongsheng Village three group leader. Twenty years ago, in an accident, he unfortunately lost his right leg. However, he is not disabled in his spareness. In developing the rural economy, he has given full play to the role of a communist member in his “dual band.” In 1993, the village held a bidding ceremony for the contractor village stone quarry. In the fierce competition, Ye Wanqing won the bidding at the bidding price of RMB 55,000 each year. Due to his well-run and well-managed management, this darling of the dilapidated stone farm has been revitalized. In 1994, the production volume of the quarry was 550,000 yuan, and he himself was netted 20,000 yuan. Ye Wanqing rich, but he did not forget folks, did not forget myself