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“推广普通话、推行规范汉字”(简称“双推”),是法律确定的基本国策,是实现语言文字规范化、消除人际交往与信息交流障碍、促进经济发展和社会进步的重大举措。为纪念《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》颁布实施10周年,进一步宣传普及语言文字法规常识,倡导“说普通话、写规范字”的社会风尚,迎接第14届全国推广普通话宣传周,由全国推普周领导小组办公室主办、中国语文报刊协会等单位协办的全国“双推”漫画大赛活动现已圆满结束,受教育部语用司的委托,我刊特选登部分获奖作品。 Promoting Putonghua and Promoting Standard Chinese Characters “is the basic national policy determined by law. It is a major move to standardize the language and writing, remove barriers to human relations and information exchange, and promote economic development and social progress . In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the ”Law of the People’s Republic of China on General Language and Characters,“ further publicize and popularize the common sense of laws and regulations in languages ​​and languages, advocate a social fashion of ”speaking Mandarin and writing standardized characters“ and welcome the 14th National Promotion Putonghua Week, The national ”Double Push" comic contest sponsored by the National Push Week Group Office and the Chinese Language Press Association has now come to a successful conclusion. As commissioned by the Department of Linguistics, the Ministry of Education, I have selected some of the winning entries .
在集约果树栽培条件下,选择最佳栽植方式,十分重要。在四个固定的田间试验中研究了营养面积对嫁接在 M4、MM106砧上的瓦格涅拉·奖赏、新红星、好矮生、金矮生生长结果的影