The effect of high-pressure and high-temperature drying treatments on the deresination ratio of Pinu

来源 :Forest Science and Practice | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxycsnf
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This study investigated the possibility of using high-temperature and high-pressure schedules to treat Pinus massoniana wood in order to reduce its oil content. We discuss the effect of drying temperature, absolute pressure and the holding time on the deresination ratio in P. massoniana wood and establish a model for the deresination ratio as a function of drying temperature, absolute pressure and holding time. The results show that the deresination ratio increased from 7.14% to 87.04% when the temperature increased from 150 to 200℃, the absolute pressure from 0.1 to 0.6 MPa and the holding time from 1 to 3 h. The optimal model for the deresination ratio (Y) with drying temperature (t), absolute pressure (p) and holding time (τ) is: Y = 0.284t + 113.424p + 3.518τ - 42.486, with a coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 0.930. Compared with drying temperature and holding time, absolute pressure plays the more significant role in the deresination process. This study could provide a theoretical basis to the practical production of P. massoniana wood. This study investigated the possibility of using high-temperature and high-pressure schedules to treat Pinus massoniana wood in order to reduce its oil content. We discuss the effect of drying temperature, absolute pressure and the holding time on the deresination ratio in P. massoniana wood and establish a model for the deresination ratio as a function of drying temperature, absolute pressure and holding time. The results show that the deresination ratio increased from 7.14% to 87.04% when the temperature increased from 150 to 200 ° C, the absolute pressure from 0.1 to 0.6 MPa and holding time from 1 to 3 h. The optimal model for the deresination ratio (Y) with drying temperature (t), absolute pressure (p) and holding time (τ) is: Y = 0.284t + 113.424 p + 3.518τ - 42.486, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.930. Compared with drying temperature and holding time, absolute pressure plays the more significant role in the deresination process. This study could provide a the oretical basis to the practical production of P. massoniana wood.
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