Plasmonic tip internally excited via an azimuthal vector beam for surface enhanced Raman spectroscop

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The synergy of a plasmonic tip and fiber-based structure light field excitation can provide a powerful tool for Raman examination. Here, we present a method of Raman spectrum enhancement with an Ag-nanoparticles (Ag-NPs)-coated fiber probe internally excited via an azimuthal vector beam (AVB), which is directly generated in a few-mode fiber by using an acoustically induced fiber grating. Theoretical analysis shows that gap mode can be effectively generated on the surface of the Ag-NPs-coated fiber probe excited via an AVB. The experimental result shows that the intensity of Raman signal obtained with analyte molecules of malachite green by exciting the Ag-NPs-coated fiber probe via an AVB is approximately eight times as strong as that via the linear polarization beam (LPB), and the activity of the AVB-excited fiber probe can reach 10 11 mol/L, which cannot be achieved by LPB excitation. Moreover, the time stability and reliability are also examined, respectively.
立足现有的商用接收机组件实现解码信号的判决恢复是光码分多址(OCDMA)系统往实用化发展的一个重要方向。具有高功率对比度(PCR)的编解码器有助于在窄带接收条件下形成具有较高信噪比(SNR)的判决电信号。实验中基于商用窄带接收机组件即10 G PIN TIA和10 G时钟数据恢复(CDR)模块,利用自主设计制作的具有高功率对比度的光纤光栅(FBG)编解码器实现了双用户10 Gb/s 60 km无误码传输实验,并初步实现了三用户10 Gb/s背靠背无误码实验。实验中测试了不同用户数情况下背靠背和60 km传
针对光纤连接器核心部件之一光纤准直透镜信号精密耦合问题,采用双合透镜设计了一种单模大光束光纤连接器。通过分析双合透镜特性、光纤准直器阵列中的多光学器件耦合机理和准直透镜间的3种耦合偏差引起的传输损耗,推导出该耦合系统的传输损耗公式。基于MATLAB分析得到:角向失配对准直器的耦合损耗影响最大,轴向失配影响最小。利用光学仿真软件ZEMAX在序列和混合模式下对连接器进行模拟,用Origin绘制出不同失配情况下信号耦合效率曲线,结果表明单模光纤芯径为12 μm时,耦合效率达到92.42%。最后通过光学平台搭建实
Applicability of guided mode resonant structures to tunable optical filtering and sensing is demonstrated using nematic liquid crystals. As a sensor, a minimum refractive index detectivity of 10^{-5} is demonstrated while as a tunable filter, tunability r
本文给出在流动激光腔(GDL)中饱和增益系数随场分布沿流动方向变化的基本规律。联系到各振型振动能和振动温度的变化,用激活介质弛豫过程的物理机制对这些规律作了诠释,因而指出例如 Gerry 的单模输出30千瓦的器件还有相当多的可被利用的振动能。
A novel temperature sensor based on a dual-core fiber (DCF) is proposed and theoretically analyzed. The DCF-based temperature sensor is simply formed by splicing a segment of DCF to two segments of single mode fibers, where the DCF is used as the sensing
为了进一步增强机载激光测距机在全温范围内的环境适应性, 分析了温度与探测器模块输出功率信噪比的关系, 推导了最佳倍增因子与温度的方程式, 阐述了温度变化引起倍增因子对最佳雪崩倍增因子偏离的原因。根据雪崩管探测器雪崩击穿电压的线性温度特性, 设计了机载温度范围为-55℃~70℃的基于自然对数法的最佳倍增因子雪崩偏压线性化温控电路,用于补偿因温度变化所引起的倍增因子对最佳雪崩倍增因子的偏离。结果表明, 实测雪崩偏压温控系数为2.29V/℃, 与理论分析值误差仅为4%。该技术用于新型机载激光测距系统中, 获得了