Diagnosing Ocean Tracer Transport from Sellafield and Dounreay by Equivalent Diffusion and Age

来源 :Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redsouler
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A simple approach for estimating the equivalent diffusion for diagnosing tracer transport is proposed. Two different expressions are derived; one is based directly on an analytical solution of the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation, the other uses the variance of the tracer distribution. To illustrate some features of the equivalent diffusion and possible applications thereof, idealized releases of passive tracers from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plants at Sellafield in the Irish Sea and Dounreay on the northern coast of Scotland have been simulated with a regional isopycnic co-ordinate Ocean General Circulation Model. Both continuous and pulse releases are considered; the former being representative of the actual historical discharges from the reprocessing plants, the latter resembling an accidental scenario. Age tracers are included to calculate the mean time elapsed since the tracers left their source regions. It is found that in the Nordic Seas the age of tracers from Dounreay is approximately 2 years younger than the age from Sellafield. Although tracers from both sources eventually end up along the same transport routes, significant qualitative differences regarding the dispersion properties are found. It is argued that one single parameter, the equivalent horizontal diffusion, which is estimated to be in the range of 20-56 m2 s-1 from Sellafield and 170-485 m2 s-1 from Dounreay, determines these differences. A simple approach for estimating the equivalent diffusion for diagnosed tracer transport is proposed; one is based directly on an analytical solution of the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation, the other uses the variance of the tracer distribution. To illustrate some features of the equivalent diffusion and possible applications thereof, idealized releases of passive tracers from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plants at Sellafield in the Irish Sea and Dounreay on the northern coast of Scotland have been simulated with a regional isopycnic co-ordinate Ocean General Circulation Both continuous and pulse releases are considered; the former being representative of the actual historical discharges from the reprocessing plants, the latter resembling an accidental scenario. Age tracers are included to calculate the mean time elapsed since the tracers left their source regions. It is found that in the Nordic Seas the age of tracers from D Although tracers from both sources eventually end up along the same transport routes, significant qualitative differences regarding the dispersion properties are found. It is argued that one single parameter, the equivalent horizontal diffusion, which is estimated to be in the range of 20-56 m2 s-1 from Sellafield and 170-485 m2 s-1 from Dounreay, and determines these differences.
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【摘要】本文介绍了国产及进口汽车电喷发动机进气量检测传感器中进气歧管压力传感器和空气流量传感器的工作原理及特性,针对其中的一些常见故障给出了不同的判别方法及处理经验。  1.引言:  传统的汽车发动机使用化油器作为燃油供给装置,汽油和空气所形成的可燃混合气必须经过不同长度和宽度的进气管,由于燃油颗粒的惯性作用,将相同空燃比的混合气均匀地送达到每一个气缸里是十分困难的。现代汽车采用多点汽油喷射取代化
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