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近些年来,报刊上虽有不少新闻标题佳作出现,但仿照的过多,形成了套套,就显得雷同而乏味了。如前两年某报出现《魂系边关》的标题后,大量的“魂系……”的标题就纷至沓来,且有一发而不可收之势。怎样在标题制作中标新立异,这是新闻写作者常常为之煞费苦心的事。制作新闻标题虽然没有一定的模式和套路,但仍有一定的原则和规律。要考虑不同地域的因素“桔生淮南则为桔,生于淮北则为枳”。新闻标题的制作,也有一个考虑不同地域因素的问题。我们偌大的一个国家,幅员辽阔,地域不同,环境迥异,在制作标题时,如发 In recent years, there have been quite a few news headlines in the newspapers and magazines, but too many copies have taken shape and they have become similar and boring. As reported in the previous two years, “soul of the border,” the title, a large number of “soul system ... ...” the title after another, and there is a hair out of reach. How to make a name for itself in title making is something that news writers often do something painfully hard about. Although there is no certain mode and routine for making news headlines, there are still some principles and laws. To consider the factors of different regions, “Orange Health Huainan is orange, was born in Huaibei is trifoliate orange.” The production of news headlines, there is also a problem of considering different geographical factors. We are a big country, with a vast territory, different regions and different environments. When making a title,
谷氨酸脱羧酶(Glutamate decarboxylase,GAD)广泛存在于动植物体内,是一种胞内酶,依赖磷酸吡哆醛辅酶催化L-谷氨酸生成γ-氨基丁酸(γ-Aminobutyric Acid,简称GABA)。GABA是哺乳
This research was to investigate physiological activities and the expression of insecticidal protein in cotton leaves of Kemian 1,a widely grown cotton cultivar
Determination of proper threshold criteria for heavy metals in soils is an important basis for hazard-free dry fruit production in China.Based on the detection