
来源 :世界制造技术与装备市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tszl8
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The State Council recently approved a programme sub-mitted by the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Adminis-tration and the General Administration of Customs on adjustingthe preferential tax policies that had expired by the end of 2000so as to gradually streamline the preferential tax policies.Thethree government departments will issue circulars one after an-other on whether or not the 43 preferential tax policies due atthe end of 2000 will be retained, abolished or adjusted. According to the programme, three methods, i. e. stoppingimplementation, retaining after adjustment and continuing toimplement without making adjustment, will be adopted. The State Council recently approved a program sub-mitted by the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Adminis-tration and the General Administration of Customs on adjusting the preferential tax policies that had expired by the end of 2000 as as a stream streamline the preferential tax policies. Thethree government departments will issue circulars one after an-other on whether or not the 43 preferential tax policies due atthe end of 2000 will be retained, abolished or adjusted. According to the program, three methods, ie stopping dimplementation, retaining after adjustment and continuing toimplement without making adjustment, will be adopted.
本研究选10种抗休克时常用的静脉药,测定对正常人血小板聚集、粘附的影响,结果为山莨菪碱、酚妥拉明,酚苄明、维生素 C、藻酸双酯钠,对血小板聚集及粘附均有抑制作用;较大剂
专家们警告说,不少年轻人正冒着损伤视力的危险购买和佩戴时尚太阳镜。事实上,这种产品只能在极小的程度上 Experts warn that many young people are buying and wearing s
报税“死线”上的喧嚣 美国的邮局历来招骂。其实邮递员和邮局职员个人都和蔼热情,但是和别的民营企业一比,这国营的邮局确实差距明显:开门时间短上一截,你上班他上班,你下