日前,联迪商用宣布,其mPOS(Mobile point of sale)通过了Visa的“Visa Ready”项目认证考核。此举意味着Visa信用卡联合组织的各金融会员可以依此采用有安全保障的新型移动支付解决方案,也意味着以联迪商用为代表的中国金融电子支付设备企业迎来了“内外对接”的发展格局。mPOS围绕“四心”的产品理
Recently, DiDi Commercial announced that its mPOS (Mobile point of sale) passed Visa’s “Visa Ready” certification test. The move means that all financial members of Visa Credit Union can adopt a new mobile payment solution with security guarantees. It also means that China’s financial electronic payment equipment enterprises represented by JD Power have ushered in the “ ”The pattern of development. mPOS around the “four hearts” product management