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辞赋创作自娱娱人的内在冲动相当明显,宋赋对滑稽描写相当重视。宋代文化重视学殖深淳、理趣盎然和道德情怀,这三者构成了宋赋滑稽艺术的基本要素。宋代文人大多兼具学者与作家身份,其诗文创作相当重视彰显学术,因而从互文性的角度来观照宋赋的滑稽艺术,是非常有必要、有意义的。对于滑稽的世俗特色,宋人在辞赋创作中以提升的态度来面对,而非拒斥。游走于雅与俗之间的宋赋,在庄严与轻佻、高雅与平庸的巨大反差中凸显着滑稽艺术的幽默诙谐的特色。宋赋能够在俳谐描写中以情观物、以理释情、融情入理、情理相谐,实现超越物象噱笑层次的幽默效果和情理感悟,让人在解颐之余产生感触与遐想。宋代文人对现实政治具有批判精神,也具有整饬世道人心的道德自觉。宋赋继承了滑稽艺术的这种淑世情怀,并将其发扬光大。 The inherent impulse of entertaining entertainment is very obvious, Song Fu attaches great importance to the funny description. The culture of Song Dynasty paid much attention to the academic activities of Chun Chun, interest in reason and morality, which constituted the basic elements of funny art of Song Dynasty. Most of the scholars in the Song Dynasty both as scholars and writers, whose poems and writings place considerable emphasis on academic expression. Therefore, it is necessary and meaningful to observe the comic art of Song Dynasty from the perspective of intertextuality. For the funny secular features, Song people in the creation of Ci Fu to enhance the attitude to face, rather than reject. The Song and Yuan dynasties that walk between elegance and vulgar highlight the humorous witty features of comic art in the great contrast between dignity and frivolity, elegance and mediocrity. Song Fu is able to describe his feelings and reveries in a harmonious description, to explain emotions, to integrate emotions and feelings, and to realize the humorous effects and feelings beyond the ghosting level of images, so that people can feel and reverie beyond the time limit . The literati in Song Dynasty were critical of the real politics and also had the moral conscientiousness of rebuilding the hearts and minds of the world. Song Fu inherited the art of this worldly feelings, and carry forward.
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