发挥整体优势 搞好委托执行

来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kinee
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去年年底以来,最高人民法院采用行文、电话会议等形式,连续多次,专门部署、指导、督促集中清理跨省、自治区、直辖市委托执行案件工作。 这是最高人民法院对执行工作首次组织的全国性的较大规模的行动,引起了各级人民法院的普遍重视,反响强烈。有的认为,最高人民法院下这么大力量抓集中清理跨省、自治区、直辖市委托执行案件工作,抓住了执行难的一大症结。这些案件不仅是执行难的难点,也往往是地方保护主义的焦点,由最高人民法院组织调动各级人民法院的整体优势,化解纷争,排除难点,既可打开委托执行工作局面,也有助于将整个执行工作推上一个新的台阶;有的认为,这次集中清理委托执行案件工作,实际意义远远超出清理范围本身,应当抓住时机,借东风,推动本地区执行工作的全面开展;而有的则认为,受委托代为执行案件,是为别人代劳,不能荒了自己的田先替别人拔草! Since the end of last year, the Supreme People’s Court has adopted a series of written and teleconferences, and has repeatedly deployed and supervised and supervised the centralized commission of case work entrusted across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. This is the first large-scale nationwide operation organized by the Supreme People’s Court and has aroused the widespread attention of the people’s courts at all levels, with strong repercussions. Some people think that the Supreme People’s Court made such great efforts to focus on clearing provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government entrusted with the implementation of the case, and grasped the implementation of the crux of the problem. These cases are not only the difficult point of implementation but also the focal point of local protectionism. The Supreme People’s Court organizes the mobilization of the overall superiority of people’s courts at all levels, resolves disputes and eliminates difficulties. It can not only open the situation of entrusting and implementing the work but also help The implementation of the entire work has been pushed to a new level. Some people think that the actual clean-up of the cases commissioned by the Central Government will go far beyond the scope of the clean-up itself. We should seize the opportunity and take advantage of the easterly efforts to promote the full implementation of the work in this region. Others think that commissioned by the commission on behalf of the case, for others on behalf of the labor, can not waste their own field Tianren grass for others!
在众多的诉讼文书中,传票是最常见、使用数量最多的一种。基层人民法院从事民事、经济、行政审判工作的干警,大约有20%的精力要耗费在送达传票上。 送达传票,是指人民法院依
在当今世界 ,文化和文化研究 ,越来越引起人们的重视。对于日本文化进行深层次研究 ,是日本学研究的一个基础性的根本问题。因为政治、经济或社会问题 ,我们都可以纳入到广义
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