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推土机在农田基本建设和建筑施工方面,越来越显示出它的威力。使用时应注意下列事项: 推土机虽然是个大力士,但为了保证机具安全,对过于坚硬的土壤(土壤比阻在1.29公斤/厘米~2以上)要先松土后推土。在坡地上作业,以顺坡上推为好;如果在坡上横向作业,坡度应不大于20°,以免侧滑。推土填沟填坑,尤其是较深的沟、坑,推土铲不要超出沟、坑边沿,以免机车前部悬空而载下去。后退时,应先换倒挡,再提铲,以免引起机车前我。顺一条路线轮番推土,应随时向左右扩展,使宽度大些,防止沟推得大深、太窄,造成两边沟壁倒塌而发生事故。顺沟边推土,机车车身与沟边至少有半米的距离,不能靠得太近,以防造成沟沿被机车压塌,而使机车翻入沟内。在平整高低不平的地面时,应先将突出的土丘铲平,填入较深 Bulldozers in the field of farmland infrastructure and building construction, more and more shows its power. Use should pay attention to the following matters: Bulldozer although a Hercules, but in order to ensure the safety of the machine, the soil is too hard (soil specific resistance at 1.29 kg / cm ~ 2 above) to loosen the soil after. Work on the slope to push up the slope is better; if working on the slope across the slope, the slope should not be greater than 20 °, in order to avoid side slip. Ditch fill the trench, especially deep ditch, pit, do not push the blade beyond the trench, pit edge, so as not to hang the front of the locomotive and carry it down. Back, should first reverse gear, and then mention the shovel, so as not to cause me in front of the locomotive. Follow a route by turns soil, should be expanded to the left and right, so that the width of the larger, to prevent the ditch was deep, too narrow, resulting in the collapse of the ditch on both sides of the accident. Ditch along the ditch to push the soil, the locomotive body and ditch at least half a meter distance, can not be too close to prevent the ditch along the locomotive was collapsed, leaving the locomotive into the ditch. In the formation of rugged ground, should be the first prominent flat mound, fill deeper
一般在进行多层砖混结构房屋条形基础计算时,基础宽度的计算公式为: B=q/(f-rh).(1) 式中:B:基础宽度(m); q:墙基础底面线荷载(kN/m); f:修正后的地基承载力(kN/m~2); r:土
TC87系列柴油机是原国家机械委下达的新产品研制项目,由洛阳拖拉机研究所和常州柴油机厂联合设计,常州柴油机厂、南宁机械厂、湖北柴油机厂、永康拖拉机厂、山东拖拉 TC87
心理学家研究表明,人们对直接批评的接受率只有20%,而对间接批评的接受率却高达80%。在管理过程中,如果采用旁敲侧击式的间接批评,则能收到意想不到的效果。 有名战士刚入伍,