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当前,粮食流通体制改革正在进行。围绕政企分开,储备与经营分开,中央与地方责任分开,新老挂帐分开,粮食定购价与市场价并轨的“四分开一并轨”要求,在体制改革过程以及今后,如何适应形势,做好粮油调运工作,特提出浅见,供有关业务主管部门和同行们参考。 一、对流通体制改革后粮油运输宏观环境的展望 随着有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和进一步完善,在市场机制条件下的粮油购销数量将增加,为宏观调控服务的中央和省一级统一调拨的粮油数量相应减少。但这需要一个过程,在相当长的时期内,作为宏观调控手段的统一调拨粮油始终是必需的,有时甚至是大量的。既有常年不断的正常调拨,也有紧急调拨和抢运。 At present, the reform of grain circulation system is under way. Around the separation of government and enterprise, the separation of reserves and operation, the separation of central and local responsibilities, separation of old and new accounts, grain purchase price and market price of the “four separate requirements” in the process of institutional reform and how to adapt to the situation and do Good grain and oil transfer work, especially made a humble opinion, for the relevant business departments and colleagues for reference. I. Prospects for the Macroscopic Environment of Grain and Oil Transport after the Reform of the Circulation System Along with the gradual establishment and further improvement of the socialist market economic system with Chinese characteristics, the purchase and sale of grain and oil under the market mechanism will increase and will serve as the central and The amount of grain and oil unifiedly allocated at the provincial level has been correspondingly reduced. However, this requires a process. For a long period of time, the unified transfer of grain and oil as a macro-control measure is always necessary, sometimes even in large quantities. Both regular year-round constant allocation, but also emergency allocation and grab luck.
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举世瞩目的南昆铁路已于3月18日全线铺通,配套的电气化工程进展情况如何?日前记者采访了云南段供电工程,看到一幕幕动人的施工场面。 一、大西南人的百年梦 西南人盼南昆铁