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秋天到了,小松鼠辛辛苦苦种出来的花生获得了大丰收。这一天,小松鼠挑着箩筐去收花生,准备过冬。干了大半天,总算把花生都收完了。小松鼠挑着沉甸甸的两筐花生高高兴兴地往回走。走着走着,小松鼠看见一只小刺猬在路边哭泣,就走过去,关心地问:“小刺猬,谁欺负你了?怎么哭得这样 The autumn has come, and the squirrels that worked hard to get out of their squirrels got a bumper harvest. On this day, small squirrels licked baskets to pick peanuts, ready for the winter. For most of the day, finally finished with the peanuts. Small squirrels lug the heavy peanuts in two baskets happily back. Walked, squirrels saw a little hedgehog crying on the roadside, walked over and asked with concern: "Little hedgehog, who bullied you? How to cry so
Unit3 Why do you like koalas?写作目标:介绍自己喜欢的动物写作导引:此类文章主要介绍自己喜欢的动物。在写作过程中一定要牢牢抓住该动物的特征以及喜欢它的理由。通过对
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Story: Kathy and her sister,Judy,are cleaning their bedroom.Kathy can't find her favorite doll.She asks her mom.“Where is my curly-hair doll?”Her mother replies,
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一只美丽的小蝴蝶停在草尖上, 和一只小蚂蚁在快乐地交谈,当小蝴蝶告诉小蚂蚁,在一棵大树上能看到很迷人的风景,并邀请小蚂蚁上去看看时,一个细细的声音突然问道: “小蝴蝶,
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