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1临床资料患者,女,30岁,甲状腺乳头状腺癌术后10月余,停服甲状腺素片(优甲乐)4周,收住院,拟行Na131I内照射治疗。常规行Na131I治疗前准备,进行甲状腺99mT c O4-静态显像(Figure1),可见左侧甲状腺有手术残留,双侧胸部有3处异常放射性浓聚灶,考虑软组织摄取,性质待定。由于患者有颈部淋巴结转移,根据2015年版中国《甲状腺癌诊治指南》给予患者空腹口服Na131I 150mci,服Na131I后5d出院前常规行Na131I全身显像(Figure 2),可见甲状腺99mTc O4-静态显像上胸部3处异常放射性浓聚灶在Na131I全身显像上仍有异常放射性浓聚, 1 clinical data patients, women, 30 years old, thyroid papillary adenocarcinoma more than 10 months after surgery, stop taking thyroid hormone tablets (You Jia Le) for 4 weeks, admitted to hospital, intended to Na131I internal irradiation treatment. Routine preparation of Na131I before treatment, thyroid 99mTcO4-static imaging (Figure 1), visible left thyroid surgery residual, bilateral chest concentrated in 3 places, considering the soft tissue uptake, the nature to be determined. Because patients have cervical lymph node metastases, according to the 2015 edition of the “Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer” in China, patients were given an oral fasting Na131I 150mci, and Na131I whole body imaging was performed before discharge on the 5th day after Na131I administration (Figure 2). Thyroid 99mTc O4-static imaging was seen. Abnormal radioactivity concentration was still found on the Na131I whole body imaging in the abnormal radioactivity concentrated areas of the upper three chests.
年青的姑娘,你一定常常魂牵梦绕地盼望自己有浓密乌黑的秀发,白晰娇嫩的肌肤,亭 Young girl, you must often cherish dreaming about their thick black hair, delicate w
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换一个角度看,我们又会发现真正可以算得上反战作品的小说却一篇也没有收入…… From another perspective, we will find that there is no income in a novel really wort
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1.三杯鸡是江西传统名肴.传说此菜源于南宋末年;当时民族英雄文天祥抗元被俘,广大人民十分悲痛. 1. Three cups of chicken is a famous traditional Jiangxi cuisine lege