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一、装饰绘画的定义装饰体现为人类文明的一种基本的愿望和基本方式,装饰的意识被运用于绘画及其它造型艺术,似乎也是顺理成章的现象。不管装饰作为一种明确而独立的概念何时才从理论上得以确立,至少在人类大量的史前文化中已有着毋庸置疑的明证。它表明了先民们在这方面的不懈追求和惊人的成就。人们在最初萌动着用主观意志来描绘世界的欲念时,几乎都在文明初始的稚拙中很自然地加入了人类作为万物之灵的创造精神。而这种创意又集中表现为装饰性的造诣。它体现了人对世界独特的认识与理解,这也正是为什么那些史前文明至今仍在感动着我们视觉的基本原因。随着知性世界的扩展,解剖学、透视学、色彩学等都逐渐有了科学的完美诠释,人们的造型历史也随之进入了写实的全盛期。然而,这种辉煌的成就却不禁令人察觉到与人类早期的创造意识之间似乎总是多了些什么或少了些什么。于是就有了写实与装饰风格被正式的区别与体认,随之更有了具象与抽象的分野。同时,也就有了当今美术五彩纷呈的全新面貌。人们永无止境地尝试用最现代的语言、材料,去回归人类最初始,最直接的艺术感觉。由此可见.装饰风格应是绘画中区别于写实风格的一种表现意识。既有的美术门类中习惯上是以构成作品的材料属性加以区别和命名的 First, the definition of decorative painting Decoration embodies a basic aspirations of human civilization and the basic way, the decorative sense of being used in painting and other plastic arts, seems to be a logical phenomenon. No matter when the concept of decorating as a clear and independent one has been theoretically established, at least there is no doubt that there is no doubt that a large number of human prehistoric cultures have existed. It shows our ancestors in this area of ​​unswerving pursuit and amazing achievements. Almost all of the initial naivety of human beings, when they first sprouted their desire to depict the world with their subjective will naturally joined the creative spirit of mankind as the Spirit of all things. And this kind of creativity has focused on the performance of decorative attainments. It shows people’s unique understanding and understanding of the world, which is why those prehistoric civilizations are still the basic reason that we are still moving our vision. With the expansion of the intellectual world, anatomy, fluoroscopy, color science and so gradually have a perfect interpretation of science, people’s modeling history also will enter the heyday of realism. However, this glorious achievement can not help but notably make it seem that there always appears to be more or less the same as the early human consciousness of creation. So there is a real difference between the style and decorative style and recognition, followed by a more abstract and abstract. At the same time, there will be a colorful new look of today’s art. People never stop trying to use the most modern language, materials, to return to the first human, the most direct artistic feeling. From this we can see that the decorative style should be a kind of performance consciousness different from the realistic style in the painting. Existing art categories are traditionally distinguished and named based on the material properties that make up the work
DEAR EDITOR,rnSince the first reported severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)infection in December 2019,coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)h