“You”时代,代表着一种现象 但不一定是趋势

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体验经济时代,讲究体验创造价值,比如旅游、服务业等,消费者实际上享受的是一种体验。互联网的普及,不仅使体验过程更加全面,更重要的是使消费者参与到整个体验当中。像超级女声,与其说观众在欣赏周笔畅、李宇春,不如说他们在欣赏自己,这些明星是他们自己创造出来的:投票、使之复活、成为名气王。随着You时代这种现象的到来,消费方式和品牌方式都会发生结构性的变化,品牌已经由单方因素变为双方因素,呈现出以下几个特点。 Experience the economic era, pay attention to experience to create value, such as tourism, service industries, consumers actually enjoy is an experience. The popularity of the Internet not only makes the experience process more comprehensive, but more important is to involve consumers in the entire experience. Like the super girl, not so much the audience in appreciation of Bibi Chang, Li Yuchun, as they say they are enjoying themselves, these stars are created by their own: to vote, make it revitalized and become famous king. With the arrival of this phenomenon in the You era, structural changes have taken place in both consumption patterns and brand patterns. The brand has changed from unilateral factors to both factors, showing the following features.
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