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以语言的四个行为中的读为中心,特别是关于音读流畅性的论文成了近年来教育学的研究走向趋势。针对韩国人的韩语音读和英语音读的概念,音读的构成因素,音读的检测,音读的指导方法等成了众多学者们的共同话题。然而国内外学者们聚集在一起讨论多样性的韩国语教育的主题中,很难找到针对学习韩国语的外国学生作为对象来研究韩语音读的论文。那么学习韩语的外国留学生们的音读情况如何?就要从音读流畅性的构成因素,就是音读的速度,音读的正确性,音读的表现力和理解度来体现了。我们所说的读好一篇文章,不仅要发出声音流利地去读,还要在读完之后了解文章的内容。一般来讲要检验学生们的阅读能力可以通过多种阅读理解的题型来评价。本搞采用了判断对错与填空的题型来给学生的阅读理解作为评分。在本搞中作者很明确地论述了其研究问题,研究道具,研究的顺序,最后还提出了对其他韩国语教育系的研究学者们所给予的希望,还有作者的一些见解。 The reading of the four acts of language is the center, especially the essay on fluency of reading has become the tendency of the research of pedagogy in recent years. The concept of Korean phonetic reading and English phonetic reading for Koreans, the components of phonetic reading, the testing of phonetic transcription and the guidance of phonetic reading have become the common topics for many scholars. However, in the theme of Korean education, where both domestic and foreign scholars come together to discuss diversity, it is difficult to find essays on studying Korean phonetics for foreign students learning Korean. So how do foreign students who study Korean learn their tunes? This is reflected in the factors that make tonicity smooth, that is, the speed of reading, the correctness of tonal reading, the expressiveness and comprehension of tonal reading. What we mean by reading an article is not only fluent to read, but also to understand the content of the article after reading it. Generally speaking, to test the reading ability of the students can be evaluated by a variety of reading comprehension questions. The engage in the use of the right to judge the right and wrong fill in the questions to students reading comprehension as a score. The author of this book is very clear about its research problems, research props, the order of research, and finally put forward the hope given by other scholars in other Korean education departments, as well as some of the author’s opinions.
在贵州瓮安县,每当人们提起县长徐银芳,都禁不住伸出大拇指夸他是“心中时刻装着武装的国防县长”。 一九九0年担任县长的徐银芳同志。上任伊始,就对武装工作倾注了爱心,他