
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llwjm
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中华人民共和国教育部最近先後制定并公布了中、小学学生守则,规定了全国中、小学学生的学习纪律和日常生活行为的基本准则。全体中、小学教育工作者,特别是教师们应当根据这些具体规定,加强对学生的自觉纪律教育,努力培养儿童和青年一代的共产主义道德品质,以贯彻实施全面发展的教育方针。近几年来,随着我们伟大祖国社会主义建设和社会主义改造事业的发展,随着我们党对儿童和青年一代社会主义教育的加强以及全体教育工作者辛勤的努力,全国中、小学学生的新的道德品质,已在逐渐地形成。他们的社会主义觉悟正在不断地提高;学习纪律和集体主义精神也在逐步地树立起来。这些都是应该肯定的,而且是主要的一面。但另一方面,由於我们国家处在过渡时期,旧社会的遗毒尚未完全消除,资产阶级的腐朽思想还在许多方面直接间接地影响和腐蚀儿童和青年一代;同时由於我们教育工作中还存在着不 Recently, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China has successively formulated and promulgated the code of primary and secondary school students and stipulated the basic norms for learning discipline and daily life activities of primary and secondary school students across the country. All primary and secondary education workers, especially teachers, should strengthen their self-discipline and discipline education in accordance with these specific provisions and strive to cultivate the communist moral character of children and young generations in order to implement the all-round education policy. In recent years, with the development of the socialist construction in our great motherland and the cause of socialist transformation, with the strengthening of the socialist education in our generation of children and youth as well as the hard work of all educators, our country’s new The moral quality has been gradually formed. Their socialist consciousness is constantly improving. The spirit of learning discipline and collectivism is gradually being established. All these should be affirmed and the main one. On the other hand, because our country is in a transitional period, the legacy of the old society has not yet been completely eliminated. The decadent ideology of the bourgeoisie has also directly and indirectly affected and eroded the children and young generations in many aspects. At the same time, as our education still exists Do not