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Many of usmust have heardof Harvard andYale, the mostfamous universi-ties in America,but have you heard of Fisk, asmall university in Nashville? Fisk University is onEighth Avenue, not far fromwhere I lived while I was inNashville. Compared with Van-derbilt, it is small not only inarea, but also in population.Though small, it is the first u-niversity for African Americanstudents and it has a long hon-orable history. One day, two Chinesestudents who were studyingat Fisk brought me to theirschool for a visit. I wasshown around and saw a lotof things about the universi-ty with my own eyes. Visit-ing one of the classrooms, Isaw some pictures and then Many of usmust have heard of Harvard andYale, the mostfamous universi-ties in America, but have you heard of Fisk, asmall university in Nashville? Fisk University is onEighth Avenue, not far from where I lived while I was inNashville. Compared with Van-derbilt, It is small not only inarea, but also in population.Though small, it is the first u-niversity for African Americanstudents and it has a long hon-ableable history. One day, two Chinesestudents who were studiedat Fisk brought me to theirschool for a Visit. I wasshown around and saw a lotof things about the universi-ty with my own eyes. Visit-ing one of the classrooms, Isaw some pictures and then
小强今年三岁了,父母都在南方打工。  母亲想念儿子,就把小强的照片贴在出租房的墙上。早晨上班先看看孩子的照片,有时候还笑眯眯地亲上一口。晚上下班也先看看孩子的照片,经常还用袖口抹两下,掸一掸灰尘。  父親小康在一个建筑工地做更夫,住的守卫室是一间简易房。工人们经常在这个简陋的守卫室里说说笑笑、打打闹闹。  这天,小康买个痒痒挠放在床上,第二天,说什么也找不着了。小康心想:肯定是谁给偷偷顺走了。以后
光盘原先是在即年代早期由飞利浦和索尼公司合作开发用于高保真音响系统的。数字化的音频信号以一系列徽米小坑的形式记录在铝 The CD was originally developed by Philips
If you are careless it means that you do not pay attention to what you are doing,so you make mistakes or have accidents.如果你careless,那指的是你做事漫不经心,
January 30, 1995 Dear Lan Lan, Today is the Eve of our Spring Festival. Yesterday, we went to see the Dragon and Lion Dance and the fireworks in Manchester Chi
托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson,1743~1826),美国第三位总统,是《独立宣言》的起草人,他还是作家、科学家、建筑家、教育家和外交家,在美国历史上占有很重要的地位。我们从
几天前.我的11岁女儿从学校毒完试回到家.同我开头带有“S”。字母的猪的另一个名称.我刚要回答是“Swine”。她马上插嘴说:“我写了Sausages” A few days ago, my 11-year