Many of usmust have heardof Harvard andYale, the mostfamous universi-ties in America,but have you heard of Fisk, asmall university in Nashville? Fisk University is onEighth Avenue, not far fromwhere I lived while I was inNashville. Compared with Van-derbilt, it is small not only inarea, but also in population.Though small, it is the first u-niversity for African Americanstudents and it has a long hon-orable history. One day, two Chinesestudents who were studyingat Fisk brought me to theirschool for a visit. I wasshown around and saw a lotof things about the universi-ty with my own eyes. Visit-ing one of the classrooms, Isaw some pictures and then
Many of usmust have heard of Harvard andYale, the mostfamous universi-ties in America, but have you heard of Fisk, asmall university in Nashville? Fisk University is onEighth Avenue, not far from where I lived while I was inNashville. Compared with Van-derbilt, It is small not only inarea, but also in population.Though small, it is the first u-niversity for African Americanstudents and it has a long hon-ableable history. One day, two Chinesestudents who were studiedat Fisk brought me to theirschool for a Visit. I wasshown around and saw a lotof things about the universi-ty with my own eyes. Visit-ing one of the classrooms, Isaw some pictures and then