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秉承强化公民国防意识、树立大国防观的原则,《中国青年报》的军事报道经过多年探索,目前版面形态为每周两个版,称为军事周刊,已基本形成国际视野、中外军兼顾、既有专家高端见解、又有基层鲜活新闻、图文并重的风格。中青报是一张综合性大报,这决定了中青报的读者构成多元,不是单一的军人读者群。因此,我们认为,中青报的军事报道不能只拘泥于对我军的报道,而应该有国际视野,把世界军事作为一个重要的参照体系,关注外军的建设、发展、走向等,使军事报道更全面、多样,与读者的关联度更高,满足不同读者群的阅读需要。 Adhering to the principle of strengthening citizens’ national defense awareness and establishing the concept of great national defense, the military coverage of the “China Youth Daily” has been explored for many years. Currently, the layout of the magazine is two editions a week. It is called the military weekly and has basically formed an international perspective. Both high-level expert opinion, there are fresh grass-roots news, graphic and style of both. The China Youth Daily is a comprehensive newspaper, which determines the diversity of readers of the China Youth Daily, not a single military readership. Therefore, we think that the military coverage of the CYL can not be limited to the coverage of our army. Instead, it should have an international perspective and regard the world’s military as an important frame of reference. We should pay attention to the construction, development, and orientation of the foreign forces so that the military The report is more comprehensive and diverse, with a higher degree of relevance to readers to meet the needs of readers of different reading needs.
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