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人们还记忆犹新,1989年“三角债”困扰全国.最后国务院副总理朱镕基不得不组织专门班子抓清债.然而,时过数年,“三角债”旧病复发卷土重来.到去年第二季度末,“三角债”高过3714.6亿元.到今年初,许多省市又传来三角债大幅度增长的信息.山西机电行业今年一季度人欠资金7.23亿元,欠人资金3亿多元,人欠资金比去年同期增长126%,其增加额占销售收入的70%.由于受“三角债”严重困扰,全行业一季度出现亏损,亏损额达3760万元,而去年同期盈利872万元.太原重型机器厂去年扭转了连续三年的亏损,今年合同又已订满,但由于“三角债”的严重困扰,今年一季度末,人欠款2.6亿,比上年同期增加1倍 People still vividly remembered that in 1989, the “triangular debt” plagued the country. In the end, Premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council had to organize a special team to catch the debts. However, after a few years, the “triangular debt” relapsed and relapsed. By the end of the second quarter of last year, “ The ”triangular debt“ is higher than 371.46 billion yuan. By the beginning of this year, many provinces and cities have also received information on the substantial growth of the triangle debt. Shanxi electromechanical industry owes 723 million yuan in funds in the first quarter of this year, owes more than 300 million yuan of funds, and people owe funds. In the same period of last year, it increased by 126%, and its increase accounted for 70% of sales revenue. Due to the serious troubles caused by the ”triangular debt,“ the whole industry suffered a loss in the first quarter, the loss amounted to 37.6 million yuan, compared with 8.72 million yuan in the same period last year. Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Factory Last year reversed the loss for three consecutive years and the contract was fully booked this year. However, due to the serious problems of the ”triangular debt," the people owed 260 million yuan at the end of the first quarter of this year, which was a doubling from the same period of last year.
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