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各市、县、自治县人民政府,省政府直属各单位:为了适应农村税费改革和中小学教育改革与发展的需要,合理配置教育资源,提高教育投资效益和教育质量,现就我省中小学布局调整和精简优化教职工队伍,提出如下意见。一、充分认识中小学布局调整和精简优化教职工队伍的重要性和必要性近年来,我省各地在调整中小学布局,精简优化教师队伍方面,做了大量工作,取得了一定的成绩。但是,我省中小学布点不合理、教职工队伍整体素质不高的问题仍然严重存在。一方面,农村中小学数量多、规模小、布点过于分散,存在许多微型学校、微型班级,浪费教育资源;另一方面,城镇中小学和部分乡镇的初中,大班额或超大班额的问题非常严重,影响教育质量。因此,进一步调整中小学的布局势在必行,全省各级政府和教育行政部门要充分认识中小学布局调整的 The people’s governments of cities, counties and autonomous counties, and the units directly under the provincial government: In order to meet the needs of rural taxation and fee reform and the education reform and development of primary and secondary schools, rational allocation of educational resources and improvement of education investment efficiency and education quality, the layout of primary and secondary schools in our province is now Adjust and streamline the optimization of teaching staff and put forward the following opinions. I. Fully understanding the importance and necessity of adjusting the layout of primary and secondary schools and streamlining and optimizing the faculty. In recent years, various provinces have done a lot of work and achieved certain results in adjusting the layout of primary and secondary schools and streamlining the optimization of the faculty. However, the problems with the unreasonable distribution of primary and secondary schools in our province and the low quality of teaching staff are still serious. On the one hand, there are many rural primary and secondary schools with small scales and scattered distribution points. There are many micro-schools and mini-classes that waste educational resources. On the other hand, junior high schools and some townships in towns and cities have very large or very large classes. Serious, affecting the quality of education. Therefore, it is imperative to further adjust the layout of primary and secondary schools. The governments at all levels and education administrative departments in the province must fully understand the adjustment of the layout of primary and secondary schools.
一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《造桥》(Building the Bridge)选自美国作家凯瑟琳·帕特森(Katherine Paterson)1977年出版的英文小说《通往特拉比西亚之桥》(Bridge to Terab
上个世纪中 叶,当世界上第 一台电脑在美国 问世的时候,很多人还对它嗤之以鼻。在不到半个世纪的时间里,电脑技术飞速发展,信息高速公路横架全