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1929年,共产党在赣东南商城发起红色暴动,一举成功。12月25日,红32师占领了县城。土豪劣绅逃的逃、捉的捉,穷百姓家家张灯结彩,人人披红戴花。商城是有名的歌舞之乡,欢庆革命胜利,不能没有歌子唱。正在谋划时,一首题为《取商城》的歌词送到了红军司令部。歌词的头两段是:民国十八春,红军打商城,打得敌人乱纷纷,喜坏我穷人。二十五日早,红军计划好, In 1929, the Communist Party launched a red riot in the southeast southeastern mall, which succeeded in one fell swoop. December 25, Red 32 division occupied the county seat. Local tyrants and evil gentry to escape, to catch the capture, poor families colorful, everyone wearing a red flower. Mall is famous song and dance town, celebrate the victory of the revolution, can not sing without song. While planning, a song titled “Take the Mall” was sent to the Red Army Command. The first two paragraphs of the lyrics are: Republic of China eighteen spring, the Red Army hit the mall, playing enemy chaos have, like bad I am poor. On the morning of the 25th, the Red Army plans well.
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江西省南昌市效区税务分局以全新的观念和积极的态度,实现了新旧两套税制的顺利转换和平稳过渡, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, District Tax Branch with a new conce
各省、自治区、直辖市税务局,各计划单列市税务局: 关于商业企业期初存货中含有的已征税款的处理问题,原则上应同其他企业保持一致,但为了有利于商业企业的资金周转,以保证
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