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人们在表达自已思维的过程中,文字表达不清的,要借助于语言;语言表达不清的,要借助于手势。手势,如同手语那样,是至今还活跃着的形象语言。我国古代已将画面形象称为无声的诗文,古希腊也有“绘画是哑诗,诗是能言的画”等论点。在现代的新闻传播渠道中,如何发挥图片形象自身的“传言”作用,让新闻照片上的形象自己说明自己,以形象的“独白”,向广大读者述说事实,这对于新闻摄影来说是至关重要的,而且是可能的。据两年一届的荷兰国际新闻摄影比赛的我国评委撰文介绍,新闻照片的文字说明,在评选过程中,评委们是看不到的。评判新闻照片优劣的唯一标准就是形象。 People in the process of expressing their own thinking, the text is not clear, with the help of language; language is not clear, with the help of gestures. Gestures, like sign language, are still vivid images of language. In ancient China, the image of the picture has been called the silent poetry. In ancient Greece, there are also arguments such as “painting is dumb poetry and poetry is capable of drawing words”. How to give full play to the “rumor” function of the image image in the modern news media so as to let the image in the news photo explain itself by itself and to the general readers by the image of “monologue”, which is true for news photography Important and possible. According to the biennial edition of the Dutch international photojournalism competition in China, the judges wrote an introduction and the captions of the news photos showed that the judges could not see them during the selection process. The only criterion for judging the pros and cons of news photos is the image.
小麦籽粒中的多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol oxidase,PPO,EC1.14.18.1)的含量对面粉及其面粉食品在加工和储藏过程中色泽品质影响较大,受到育种界的重视。为了研究我国小麦品种资源多酚氧化酶活性在不同生态地区的变异,筛选稳定的低PPO活性的种质资源,2005~2006年度,选用285份小麦核心种质种植于安徽省农科院烟草研究所(凤阳),251份种植于安徽农业大学试验农场,231份原始
在我们社会主义国家,党和政府同人民的利益是一致的,党报就是人民的报纸,并且依靠全党、依靠人民办报,这就使我们党的新闻事业有可能建立在广泛的 In our socialist countr
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