
来源 :数学大世界(教学导向) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveni978
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注意是心理活动对一定事物的指向和集中,是一切心理活动的开端,是组织教学和发展学生智力的重要因素。教育家们常把注意比作“通向知识宝库的门户”。学生在数学教学活动中注意力集中,并较长时间地保持对学习内容的注意,是教学取得成功的关键。按照教育心理学的要求,结合数学学科的特点,本文就如何充分利用注意规律,艺术性地组织教学活动,并不断培养和提高学生的注意品质作一探讨。一、注意与学习注意是一切心理活动不可缺少的要素,直接影响着学习活动的效率和效果。注意力集中,大脑皮层就产生相应的优势兴奋中心,同时其他部位相对处于抑制状态。只有进入优势兴奋中的事物,才能被及时并清晰地感知、理解和记忆。注意的反面是分心, Attention is the psychological activities of a certain thing in the direction and focus is the beginning of all mental activities, is an important factor in organizing teaching and developing students’ intelligence. Educators often compare attention to “the gateway to the knowledge base.” Students’ concentration in the mathematics teaching activities and their long-term attention to the learning content are the keys to the success of teaching. According to the requirements of educational psychology and the characteristics of mathematics, this paper discusses how to make full use of attention rules, organize teaching activities artistically, and constantly cultivate and improve students’ attentional quality. First, attention and learning Attention is an essential element of all mental activities, a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of learning activities. Concentration, the cerebral cortex to generate the corresponding advantages of excitement center, while other parts of the relative inhibition. Only into the excitement of the superior things in order to be timely and clear perception, understanding and memory. The opposite of attention is distraction,
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of gastric cancer family history in the gastric can-cer (GC) patients. Methods: Gastric cancer
摘 要:英语课堂教学有效性是一个很热门的话题,值得我们去研究。笔者从事英语教学多年,对于初中英语有效课堂教学有许多想法。在课堂上如何进行语法教学、怎样指导学生背诵、如何打好英语学习基础等都成为本文所关注的话题。  关键词:初中英语;课堂教学;有效性;教学方法  新时期基础教育课程改革,无疑是中国教育史上的一场巨大变革。课堂教学的有效性,也就成了教育界人士常常谈论的论题。笔者通过实践、摸索,逐渐掌握
在小学科学课的实验中,无论备课时如何精心考虑,实验过程中都会即时生成超出教学预案的新情况,从而产生出新的问题。因此,我们必须主动探索对实验教学的调控策略。 In the e
Objective:The aim of the research was to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of incidence of colorectal cancer in North China.Methods:Analysi