
来源 :新课程学习(上) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongnanjing
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近几年来,有关创新精神和创新能力培养的问题引起教育界和全社会的广泛关注,并成为当前基础教育改革的一个热点。探究性学习作为一种能够有效培养学生科学素养的教学方法,受到极大的重视,成为新一轮理科课程改革中转变学生学习方式的突破点。探究性学习是指学生通过类似于科学家科学探究活动的方式获取科学知识,并在这个过程中学会科学的方法和技能、科学的思维方式,形成科学观点,树立科学精神。学生是学校和教师服务的主体对象,为了凸显“一切为学生服务”的教学宗旨,教师应积极参与省、市级的各类新课改培训活动,并在课堂教学中进行“探究性学习”教学的尝试。 In recent years, the issues concerning the cultivation of innovative spirit and innovative ability have drawn wide attention from the educational circles and the whole society and have become a hot topic in the current reform of basic education. As a kind of teaching method that can effectively cultivate students’ scientific literacy, inquiry learning has drawn great attention and has become the breakthrough point of changing the way of studying students in a new round of science curriculum reform. Inquiry learning means that students acquire scientific knowledge through methods similar to scientists’ scientific inquiry activities. In the process, students learn scientific methods and skills, scientific ways of thinking, form scientific views and establish scientific spirit. Students are the main target of school and teachers’ service. In order to highlight the teaching purpose of “all for students ”, teachers should actively participate in various new curriculum reform training activities at provincial and municipal levels, Sexual learning "teaching attempt.
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新课程标准要求,学生才是课堂的主体,教师只是辅助者或者帮助者。“四步自主”教学法,对教学起到了非常重要的作用。 The new curriculum standards require that students
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