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探讨不同体质母亲母乳喂养与婴幼儿患毛细支气管炎(毛支)的相关性。检测过敏体质母亲外周血、母乳(初乳和成熟乳)及其新生儿脐血中细胞因子TGF-β1、IL-10、IL-4水平和IgE的含量,同时追踪其喂养儿RSV毛支患病率,并检测其RSV毛支患儿外周血细胞因子TGF-β1、IL-10、IL-4水平和IgE的含量,同期收集非过敏体质母亲、外周血、母乳(初乳和成熟乳)及其新生儿、母乳喂养儿外周血作对照。结果显示,过敏体质母亲初乳、成熟乳中细胞因子TGF-β1水平显著低于非过敏体质母亲(P<0.05),IL-4水平则显著高于非过敏体质母亲(P<0.05),IL-10水平在两者之间无统计学差异(P>0.05),过敏体质母亲初乳IgE含量高于非过敏体质母亲初乳(P<0.05),成熟乳两组间无差别;过敏体质母亲外周血及其新生儿的脐血TGF-β1、IL-10水平均低于非过敏体质母亲外周血及其新生儿的脐血(P<0.05),IL-4水平则显著高于非过敏体质母亲,过敏体质母亲外周血及其新生儿的脐血IgE含量均高于非过敏体质母亲外周血及其新生儿的脐血(P<0.05),脐血IL-10与IgE负相关;过敏体质母亲母乳喂养儿毛支患病率显著高于非过敏体质母亲母乳喂养儿(P<0.05);过敏体质母亲母乳喂养的毛支患儿外周血细胞因子TGF-β1、IL-10水平显著低于非过敏体质母亲母乳喂养的毛支患儿及正常婴幼儿(P<0.05),而IL-4水平则显著高于非过敏体质母亲母乳喂养的毛支患儿及正常婴幼儿(P<0.05),过敏体质母亲母乳喂养的毛支患儿外周血IgE含量高于非过敏体质母亲母乳喂养的RSV毛支患儿及正常婴幼儿(P<0.05),而非过敏体质母亲母乳喂养的RSV毛支患儿及正常婴幼儿无统计学差异(P>0.05)。上述研究结果显示过敏体质母亲母乳喂养可能会导致其喂养儿易患RSV毛支,脐血IL-10降低和IgE升高应视为过敏性疾病的高危新生儿,进行重点随访。 To investigate the correlation between breastfeeding and capillary bronchiolitis (bronchiitis) in different constitutional mothers. To detect the levels of TGF-β1, IL-10, IL-4 and IgE in the peripheral blood of pregnant women with allergy, mother’s milk (colostrum and mature milk) and their newborns, The levels of TGF-β1, IL-10, IL-4 and IgE in the peripheral blood of children with RSV bronchiolitis were detected. At the same time, non-allergic mother, peripheral blood, breast milk (colostrum and mature milk) The newborn, breastfeeding children as control. The results showed that the level of TGF-β1 in colostrum and mature milk of allergic mothers was significantly lower than that of non-allergic mothers (P <0.05), IL-4 was significantly higher than that of non-allergic mothers (P <0.05) (P> 0.05). The content of IgE in colostrum of allergic mothers was higher than that of non-allergic mothers (P <0.05), and there was no difference between the two groups The levels of TGF-β1 and IL-10 in peripheral blood and their newborns were lower than those in peripheral blood of non-allergic mothers and their neonate (P <0.05), while the levels of IL-4 were significantly higher than that of non-allergic subjects The levels of IgE in cord blood of mothers and allergic mothers with peripheral blood and their newborns were higher than those of non-allergic mothers and their newborns (P <0.05). IL-10 and IgE in cord blood were negatively correlated. The prevalence of breastfeeding in mothers was significantly higher than that in non-allergic mothers (P <0.05). The levels of TGF-β1 and IL-10 in peripheral blood of breastfeeding children with allergy were significantly lower than those of non- Allergen mother breastfeeding hairy children and normal infants (P <0.05), while IL-4 levels were significantly higher than non-allergic (P <0.05). The content of IgE in peripheral blood of breastfeeding baby with allergic mother’s milk was higher than that of RSV baby’s breast with non-allergic mother’s breast milk and normal infants (P <0.05). However, there was no significant difference in RSV breast-feeding and non-allergic mother breastfeeding infants (P> 0.05). The above findings show that breastfeeding of allergic mothers may lead to feeding their children susceptible to RSV hair branch, cord blood IL-10 decreased and elevated IgE should be considered as high-risk neonatal allergic diseases, the focus of follow-up.
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