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中国发展战略学研究会(以下简称研究会)主办的中国中外智业交流大会于2001年12月在北京国际饭店召开。享誉海内外的智业家、企业家、专家、学者到会并演讲,300多人与会。全国人大常委会副委员长、研究会名誉理事长周光召院士在开幕式上致词。全国人大常委会副委员长程思远和中国科学院院长、研究会理事长路甬祥院士发来贺信。科技部部长徐冠华院士专程到会看望与会人员代表。著名经济学家于光远先生作了重要发言。周光召副委员长说,这次大会是在世界跨入新世纪,迎接新时代的变革、发展潮流中召开的。21世纪是国际社会开启了经济发展和社会进步的新时期,是充满机遇与挑战的新世纪,是改革与发展的新世纪,是中华民族实现伟大复兴的新世纪。中国已经规划了今后五年发展的蓝图,明确了五十年的战略目 China International Seminar for Chi-Chi held by China Development Strategy Research Association (hereinafter referred to as the Research Society) was held in Beijing International Hotel in December 2001. At home and abroad, intellectual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars to the meeting and speech, more than 300 people attended. Zhou Guangzhao, vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee and Honorary Chairman of the Research Council, addressed the opening ceremony. Cheng Siyuan, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, and Academician Lu Yongxiang, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a congratulatory letter. Academician Xu Guanhua, Minister of Science and Technology made a special trip to visit the delegates' representatives. Mr. Yu Guangyuan, a famous economist, made an important speech. Vice Chairman Zhou Guangzhao said that the conference was held in the trend of the world as it stepped into the new century and the new era of change and development. The 21st century is a new era in which the international community has started its economic development and social progress. It is a new century full of opportunities and challenges, a new century for reform and development, and a new century for the Chinese nation to achieve great rejuvenation. China has planned a blueprint for the development in the next five years and defined the strategic goal of 50 years
护养假牙并非仅指假牙本身,还包括牙槽骨、上下颌骨及咀嚼肌。假牙镶上后,如果护养没有跟上,会使牙槽骨萎缩吸收过程加快,造成假牙松动脱落。那么,老年人镶假牙后要关注哪些护养呢?  有选择地吃硬质食物 人们总认为镶上假牙后,为了防止裂开或避免烤瓷牙崩瓷,习惯于吃比较软的食品。其实,多吃一些有适当硬度和粗糙的食品,有利于对牙龈的按摩和增加口腔的自洁作用,这对加强牙周组织和牙体的抵抗力也是相当必要的。但需掌
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①准备废卡纸、白胶、剪刀、美工刀、直尺、稀薄糨糊、刷子等材料和工具。②将封三部件图剪下裱贴在废卡纸上,挤出气泡,压平、阴干备用。 ① prepare waste cardboard, whit
随着炎炎夏日的到来,多种口腔疾病也进入了高发期。牙疼夏天人们都喜食冷饮,强烈的冷刺激可使较严重的龋齿发生疼痛,此时再不治疗就有 With the arrival of the hot summer,
日本文部省、通产省、科学技术厅最近决定联合在东京建立国际研究学术交流村,以增进国际间的科学研究与学术交流。计划建设的国际研究学术交 Japan's Ministry of Educatio