Improving the Quality of Conforming Triangular Meshes by Topological Clean up and DSI

来源 :计算机辅助绘图.设计与制造:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuming
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A new method as a post-processing step is presented to improve the shape quality of triangular meshes, which uses a topological clean up procedure and discrete smoothing interpolate (DSI) algorithm together. This method can improve the angle distribution
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1 病历摘要患者51岁(住院号R-11760),女,于1991年7月31日以发现乳房包块半年之主诉入院,外科检查:右乳房外上象限稍隆起,可触及7cm×6cm×4cm包块,质地中等,表面光滑
目的总结胰岛素泵在糖尿病患者行肝胆肿瘤手术中的临床应用.方法本组病例17例,术前诊断均并发糖尿病及肝胆肿瘤, 采用胰岛素泵控制围手术期血糖.结果全部病例手术过程顺利,术