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借助语文教材培养个体创造力上海/张文颖自20世纪50年代以来,创造力的开发问题成为智力开发领域中一个热点问题。作为人和动物的最根本的区别之一,创造力在人类发展的历程中,起着非堂重要的作用,而且,随着社会的发展,这种作用会越来越大。从某种意义上说,创造... Cultivating Individual Creativity with Language Textbooks Shanghai / Zhang Wenying Since the 1950s, the issue of the development of creativity has become a hot issue in the field of intellectual development. As one of the most fundamental differences between human beings and animals, creativity plays a non-essential role in the course of human development. And as the society develops, it will become more and more important. In a sense, create ...
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In this paper,radar graph fractal method is introduced to describe wear debris boundaries. Research results show that it is a nice way to describe wear debris b
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On December 23rd,2009 China Datang InnerMongolia Duolun Coal Chemical CompanyLtd.and The Dow Chemical Company announcedthe successful trial-run of the firstUNI