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幼儿园可通过多种多样的形式转变家长的教育观念,提高家长的教育水平。上海宝山区共康五村幼儿园根据上海人喜爱读书看报、工作节奏快的特点,创办了《小鸽子》园报,推动了幼儿园的家庭教育指导工作,收到了很好的效果。一、给园报起个好名字我们先组织教师代表、家长代表讨论,在此基础上,确定了报纸的名称为《小鸽子》报,并向家长解释报名的含义:孩子们就像蓝天下的一群小鸽子,他们都有着自己独特的个性,都很能干,正在一天天地长大,逐渐走向成熟,将要离开老师、爸爸妈妈的怀抱,幸福、自由地展翅飞翔;教师、家长要注意解放孩子的双手和大恼,让他们在轻松、愉快的环境中成长和发展。我们这样做,为的是使家长在理解《小鸽子》园报寓意的同时,能对孩子有个正确的认识。二、聘请园报工作人员《小鸽子》报的主编由园长担任,副主编由园长助 Kindergarten can transform parents’ education concepts in a variety of forms to improve the educational level of parents. Shanghai Baoshan District, a total of five health kindergarten kindergarten According to Shanghai people love reading newspapers, fast pace of work characteristics, founded the “Little Pigeon” Park News, promoting the kindergarten family education guidance, and received good results. First, give the garden a good name We organize teacher representatives, parents on behalf of the discussion, on this basis, identified the newspaper name “Little Pigeon” newspaper, and explain to parents the meaning of registration: the children are like the sky A group of small pigeons, they all have their own unique personality, are capable, are growing day by day, and gradually mature, will leave the teacher, mom and dad, happy, free to fly; teachers, parents should pay attention to the liberation Children’s hands and annoyed, so that they grow and develop in a relaxed, pleasant environment. We do this in order to enable parents to have a correct understanding of their children while understanding the meaning of the “Little Pigeon” garden newspaper. Second, to employ garden newspaper staff “Little Pigeon” newspaper chief editor by the head of the assistant editor in chief by the director
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