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今年是实现国有大中型企业“三年改革与解困”目标的第一年,做好财政工作事关改革、发展、稳定的大局。为此,我们必须转变理财思路。《经济日报》近日对此作了报道。 一、要从单纯的预算收支的部门管理,向参与国民经济运行全过程的宏观管理转变。财政的职能作用一是对资源进行优化合理的配置,二是对国民收入进行公平合理的分配,三是对国民经济的发展进行有效的宏观调控。这就要求我们把财政工作的层次提高到参与改革与经济发展的宏观决策和宏观管理的层面;要有新的深度,不能只满足于单纯的记帐、算帐、报帐、分指标等日常工作,而要研究经济的运行走势及存在的深层次矛盾和问题,为领导决策提供依据和建议:要有新的广度,把 This year marks the first year of achieving the goal of “three years of reform and settlement” for state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. Doing a good job in financial work is an overall reform, development and stability. To this end, we must change the financial management thinking. Economic Daily reported on this recently. First, it is necessary to shift from a simple management of budgetary revenues and expenditures to the macro-management of the whole process of participating in the national economy. First, the function of finance is to optimize and rationalize the allocation of resources. Second, to make a fair and reasonable distribution of national income. Third, we must carry out effective macro-control over the development of the national economy. This requires that we raise the level of financial work to the level of macro-decision-making and macro-management in participating in the reform and economic development. We should not only be content with simple daily accounting, checking, reporting and sub-indexing Work, and to study the economic trends and the existence of deep-rooted contradictions and problems, to provide the basis for decision-making and suggestions: there should be a new breadth, the
灭多威-马拉硫磷的气相色谱分析杨明敏,吕波,郑修文(南京农业大学基础科学学院,南京210095)ANALYSISOFMALATHON-METHOMYBYGASCHROMATOGRAPHY¥YangMinming;LuBoandZhengXiuwen(?.. GC-MS Analysis of Methomide-Malathion YANG Ming-Min, LV Bo, ZHENG Xiu-Wen (College
国家税务总局局长金人庆要求全国税务系统的干部职工立即动员起来,努力完成今年的税收任务,确保实现增收800亿,力争增收1000亿。 金人庆是在6月15日召开的全国税务局长会议