Yichun Forest started artificial regeneration and reforestation in 1952. By 1984, the forest area of artificial forests had reached 199,411 hectares and accumulated 9005,261 cubic meters. Larch plantation area of which 91,717 hectares, stock volume of 4702387 cubic meters, accounting for 45.99% and 52.22% of the plantation area and accumulation respectively. At present, 8% of these larch plantations have entered the middle-aged forest. Early to create the stand, has nearly 30 years of operating history, began to enter the near-mature forest group. Therefore, in the utilization and renewal of plantations, reasonably determining the main cutting age and business cycle has become an outstanding problem to be solved urgently in current production. In the early years after the founding of New China, we had set the operating cycle of larch plantation for 41 to 50 years. However, through more than 30 years of forestry production practices and the use of larch species in the national economy