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监测了温州2个采样区5场较为典型的降雨过程,测定了不同下垫面径流pH值以及总磷(TP)、溶解态磷(DP)、颗粒态磷(PP)、总无机碳(TIC)、总有机碳(TOC)、总悬浮颗粒(TSS)、BOD5、COD的含量.结果表明,温州城市降雨径流中TP、DP以及PP含量分别介于0.01~4.32 mg.L-1、ND~0.88 mg.L-1以及ND~4.31 mg.L-1之间,径流初期阶段PP占绝对主导地位,而在整个径流过程的中后期,大部分降雨径流中DP占TP的比重呈现出一个上升的趋势,屋面径流和汇流口径流这一情况尤其明显.从TP和DP的EMC值来判断,有些城市降雨径流会对下级受纳水体造成环境压力.同时,不同城市降雨径流中TP以及DP含量之间的差异显著,而不同的降雨条件也会影响降雨径流中磷的含量.根据M(V)累积曲线判断,TP初期冲刷效应在城市降雨径流中是较为普遍的;与TP相比,城市降雨径流中的DP比较难发生初始冲刷的情况.城市降雨径流中总磷的含量不但受下垫面类型的影响,而且与径流各种理化指标之间呈现出显著的相关关系.所有结果皆指出针对不同下垫面径流磷污染的治理工作应采用不同的最佳管理方案(BMPs),而降低径流TSS含量是削减其磷负荷的有效途径之一. Five typical rainfall processes were monitored in two sampling areas in Wenzhou. The effects of different underlying surface runoff on pH, total phosphorus (TP), dissolved phosphorus (DP), particulate phosphorus (PP), total inorganic carbon ), Total organic carbon (TOC), total suspended particles (TSS), BOD5 and COD were calculated.The results showed that the contents of TP, DP and PP in the rainfall runoff of Wenzhou City ranged from 0.01 to 4.32 mg · L -1, 0.88 mg.L-1 and ND ~ 4.31 mg.L-1, and the PP in the initial stage of runoff dominated. During the middle and later stages of runoff, the proportion of DP to TP in most of the runoff showed an increase The trend of roof runoff and runoff flow is particularly evident from the EMC value of TP and DP to determine that some urban rainfall runoff will cause environmental pressure on the lower receiving water body at the same time, different cities in the runoff TP and DP content , And the different rainfall conditions also affect the phosphorus content in rainfall runoff.According to the cumulative curve of M (V), the initial flushing effect of TP is more common in urban rainfall runoff.Compared with TP, urban DP in rainfall runoff is less prone to initial erosion than in urban rainfall runoff Phosphorus content was not only affected by the type of underlying surface, but also showed a significant correlation with various physical and chemical indicators of runoff.All the results indicated that different optimal management should be used for the treatment of phosphorus pollution on different underlying surface runoff, (BMPs). Reducing runoff TSS content is one of the effective ways to reduce its phosphorus load.
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