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观众对小燕子的评价,真是个有趣的现象。迷恋的迷恋得要死,痛恨的痛恨得诉诸法庭。小燕子的形象简直就象是一座区分人文素质高低的分水岭。在我看来,小燕子的走红,不是一个普通的追星现象,它与应试教育对中小学生的心理压抑扭曲有关,物极必反,越是心灵不能自由生长,越是需要一个发泄苦恼的渠道:我虽然不敢干,电视里的人物敢,我背书错那么点算什么?她错得比我多多了,可她还是正面人物!好象长期和老师家长的冲突,通过小燕子都得了一个“公平”的“说法”,这其实是另一个形式的“造反有理”。如果这个分析站得住脚,那以,虽然师长们对小燕子气不打一处来,但孩子选择小燕子做偶像,反思 The audience’s assessment of Swallow is an interesting phenomenon. Fascination with infatuation is death, and hatred resents the court. The image of Swallow is almost like a watershed that distinguishes the level of humanistic quality. In my opinion, the popularity of Xiao swallow is not an ordinary star-chasing phenomenon. It is related to the psychological depression of primary and secondary school students in exam-oriented education. The extreme objection is inevitable. The more the mind cannot grow freely, the more it needs a channel for venting distress: Did not dare to do it, the characters in the TV dared, and I backed off the wrong book then what count? She was more mistakes than me, but she is still a positive figure! It seems that long-term conflict with the teacher’s parents, got a “fair” through the swallow. This “argument” is actually another form of “rebellion and rationality.” If this analysis stands firm, then, although the teachers do not make a fight for the swallows, the children choose Xiao swallow as their idol.
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