凭空消失的孩子 上

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从太空卫星俯瞰下去,城市犹如一朵盛开的五彩莲花,而城市周边的郊区,则犹如一块干瘪的橘子皮。“橘子皮”上的褶皱,是连绵不绝的山峦;褶皱之间的缝隙,则是蜿蜒曲折的峡谷。这是一片荒凉的山脉,山上植被稀少,裸露的土壤岩石使得山体呈现出颓废的灰黄色。山势陡峭险峻,因此群山不像此起彼伏的波浪,而更像是一群远古巨人,在时间的长河中沉默为化石。在这一片毫无生气的野景中,出现了两个小小的身影:男孩在前方欢快地奔跑,女孩在后面吃力地追赶。 Looking down from the space satellite, the city is like a colorful lotus flower in bloom, while the suburbs around the city resemble a shriveled orange peel. “Orange peel ” on the folds, is endless mountains; crevices between the gap, it is a meandering valley. This is a desolate mountain range with sparsely vegetated hills and exposed soil rocks that make the mountain a decadent pale yellow color. Steep mountains steep, so the mountains are not like waves after another, and more like a group of ancient giants, in the long river of silence as a fossil. In this lifeless scene, there are two small figures: the boy runs happily in front and the girl catches hard in the back.
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出窝了,  喳喳喳,  妈妈,妈妈,  我出去了。  回到家,  喳喳喳,  妈妈,妈妈,  我回来了。  出去喳喳,  回来喳喳,  有礼貌的鸟娃娃。
胡子长了一大把,  看着像个小娃娃。  顶着尖角常打架,  一天到晚叫妈妈。  我想问你一句话,  你的年纪有多大?
随着市场竞争的加剧,不正当竞争又有了新的行为表现。这些行为具有其自身特点,对其治理应采取相应的法律对策。 As market competition intensifies, unfair competition ha
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