Nitrogen in soils beneath 18 65 year old stands of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Lao

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LH120013
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Monitoring of soil nitrogen (N) cycling is useful to assess soil quality and to gauge the sustainability of management practices. We studied net N mineralization, nitrification, and soil N availability in the 0 10 cm and 11 30 cm soil horizons in east China during 2006 2007 using an in situ incubation method in four subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest stands aged 18-, 36-, 48-, and 65-years. The proper- ties of surface soil and forest floor varied between stand age classes. C:N ratios of surface soil and forest floor decreased, whereas soil total N and total organic C, available P, and soil microbial biomass N increased with stand age. The mineral N pool was small for the young stand and large for the older stands. NO 3 - -N was less than 30% in all stands. Net rates of N mineralization and nitrification were higher in old stands than in younger stands, and higher in the 0 10 cm than in the 11 30 cm horizon. The differences were significant between old and young stands (p < 0.031) and between soil horizons (p < 0.005). Relative nitrification was somewhat low in all forest stands and declined with stand age. N trans- formation seemed to be controlled by soil moisture, soil microbial bio- mass N, and forest floor C:N ratio. Our results demonstrate that analyses of N cycling can provide insight into the effects of management distur- bances on forest ecosystems. Monitoring of soil nitrogen (N) cycling is useful to assess soil quality and to gauge the sustainability of management practices. We studied net N mineralization, nitrification, and soil N availability in the 0 10 cm and 11 30 cm soil horizons in east China during 2006 2007 using an in situ incubation method in four subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest stands aged 18-, 36-, 48-, and 65-years. The proper- ties of surface soil and forest floor varied between stand age classes. C: N ratios of surface soil and forest floor decreased, soil total N and total organic C, available P, and soil microbial biomass N increased with stand age. The mineral N pool was small for the young stand and large for the older stands. NO 3-N was less than 30% in all stands. Net rates of N mineralization and nitrification were higher in old stands than in younger stands, and higher in the 0 10 cm than in the 11 30 cm horizon. The differences were significant between old and young stands (p <0.031 ) and between soil horizons (p <0.005). Relative nitrification was somewhat low in all forest stands and declined with stand age. N trans- formation seemed to be controlled by soil moisture, soil microbial bio- mass N, and forest floor C: N ratio. Our results demonstrate that analyzes of N cycling can provide insight into the effects of management distur- bances on forest ecosystems.
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