清产核资 价值重估为转换经营机制奠定基础

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1992年3月,我厂被国务院确定为第一批清产核资试点单位之一,设备主管部门承担了全厂“机器设备类”的清查、重估及建章建制任务。主要做法如下。 一、组织落实,责任具体 我厂各级领导将清产核资试点工作作为促进工厂深化改革和提高管理水平的大事来抓,为此成立了清产核资领导小组,制定了实施方案和细则,并组织人员认真学习领会上级有关文件精神及要求,布置任务,落实责任。这样,从组织、资金、人力等方面切实保障清产核资各阶段工作有条不紊地顺利开展。 二、全力抓好资产清查,摸清家底 根据国清办有关文件精神和东方电气集团公司、厂清产核资领导小组的要求,采取“统筹安排、交叉作业”的方法,有计划、分阶段地抓好资产清查工作。 1.各单位按照见设备就登记造册的原则,逐台逐项填报好“在用机器设备”“在用报废设备”“在用低值易耗设备”“帐外机器设备”“帐外低值易耗设备”等登记表,并分别统计设备数量及其原值。 In March 1992, our factory was identified by the State Council as one of the first batch of pilot units for clearing nuclear assets, and the competent department of equipment undertook the task of inventorying, reassessing, and establishing the company’s “machinery and equipment” category. The main approach is as follows. I. Implementation of the organization, specific responsibilities The leadership at all levels of our factory took the clean production and nuclear test pilot work as a major event to promote the deepening of the reform of the factory and improve the management level. To this end, a leading group for clearing production and nuclear assets was established, and an implementation plan and detailed rules were formulated. Organize personnel to conscientiously study and comprehend the spirit and requirements of the superiors in the relevant documents, assign tasks, and implement responsibilities. In this way, the organization, funds, manpower, and other aspects have effectively ensured the smooth and orderly implementation of the various stages of production and verification. Second, make every effort to do a good job of inventorying the assets and find out what the family has done in accordance with the spirit of the relevant documents of the Guoqing Office and the leading group of the Dongfang Electric Corporation and the factory’s production and nuclear assets, and adopt the method of “coordinated arrangements and cross-operations”, with plans and phases. Good asset inventory. 1. All units follow the principle of registering equipment on the basis of registration, and report on the “off-the-shelf equipment”, “in-use scrap equipment”, “consumer equipment with low value” and “outside-account equipment” outside the account. “Low-value consumable equipment” and other registration forms, and statistics of the number of equipment and its original value.
1992年1月25日,一一一厂召开了1992年质量工作会议。会议总结了1991年的质量工作,布署了1992年质量工作,表彰了在1991年质量工作中做出突出贡献的先进集体和个人。 会上,提
“攀钢杯”第一届冶金经济科学研究成果和优秀论文评选工作,经过各方面近六个月的努力,已全部完成,现将有关情况通知如下。 这次评选收到报审的研究成果65项,论文367篇,合计
中国设备管理协会召开的第二次全国设备诊断技术应用推广会于1992年11月11~15日在黄山市举行。这是中国设备管理协会成立十周年的重要活动之一。 这次会议,是在党的十四大精
自1991年以来,河南省电力企协做了不少咨询工作,取得一定成绩;创办经济实体,也向“三自”目标迈出了一大步。 一、两年来咨询工作的发展 (一)直接承担的主要咨询项目。对开
在企业转换经营机制中,一切工作都应以提高效益为中心,设备管理也要围绕着提高产品质量,谋求企业的最佳效益服务。 一、进一步完善设备管理体制 1988年我厂建立了装备部,下