国家建筑一级企业 深圳市建二公司又为特区建设谱写新篇章

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深圳市第二建筑工程公司是国家一级建筑企业,创建于50年代初。三十多年来,该公司为祖国社会主义经济建设转战南北,为祖国的经济繁荣作出了巨大的贡献。1980年,该公司参加唐山新区建设中,工程优良率达到94.3%,在唐山市三十多家建设企业中名列前茅,受到表彰。在国家建委、建工总局、中华全国总工会、劳动总局、中国人民建设银行联合发起的“京、津、唐创全优工程”竞赛中荣获四面锦旗,荣获冶金部“全优工程”银质奖和基建工程兵“全优工程团”的光荣称号。1980年,公司奉命南下,参加深圳经济特区的建设。九年来,先后承建了主要工程项目103项,其中12~32层的高层建筑14项,竣工75项,竣工面积396864平方米,完成总产值3.5亿元。工程优良率达到84%,被评为市优质样板工程1项,全 Shenzhen No.2 Construction Engineering Company is a national first-class construction company, founded in the early 1950s. For more than three decades, the company has moved to the north and south of the socialist economic construction of the motherland and has made tremendous contributions to the economic prosperity of the motherland. In 1980, the company participated in the construction of the Tangshan New Area. The excellent rate of the project reached 94.3%. It was among the top 30 construction companies in Tangshan City and was commended. In the “Beijing, Tianjin, Tang Chuang excellent project” competition jointly initiated by the State Construction Commission, the State Administration of Construction and Industry, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the General Labor Bureau, and the People’s Construction Bank of China, it won the four-sided pennant and won the “Excellent Project” Silver Award from the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. The honorable title of the “All Excellent Project Team” of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps. In 1980, the company was ordered to go south and participate in the construction of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In the past nine years, 103 projects have been undertaken, of which 12 to 32-storey high-rise buildings have been completed, and 75 projects have been completed. The completed area is 396864 square meters and the total output value is RMB 350 million. The rate of engineering excellence reached 84%, and it was rated as one of the city’s high-quality model projects.
本来 ,因为①发病后的时间 ;②临床病型 (动脉粥样硬化血栓性脑梗塞、腔隙性梗塞、心源性脑栓塞等 ) ;③机制 (血栓性、栓塞性、血液动力学性 ,还有动脉源性栓塞、branchathe
60岁男性患者发现心肌梗死 ,2h后肺水肿 ,经硝酸甘油、利尿剂滴注改善 ,病人接受溶栓疗法 ,发病 3h后 ,胸痛消失。超声心动图提示下壁不活动 ,总的EF =5 0 % ,轻度二尖瓣返流
1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 1989- 0 1~2 0 0 2 - 0 6诊治弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC) 5 7例。DIC诊断符合第五届中华血液学会全国血栓与止血学术会议有关DIC的诊断标准(讨论稿)