
来源 :学校党建与思想教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinsikai
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中小学科学教育是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的重要途径,是素质教育的有机组成部分。中小学在开齐开足科学课程的同时,还要注重在相关学科中强化和渗透科学教育,引导学生树立科学精神和掌握科学方法。本文拟就在小语教学中有效开展科学教育,谈些粗浅看法。一、课堂渗透:挖掘教材蕴含的科学因素,适时适量进行科学教育随着以素质教育为核心的教育改革的推进,小学语文教材的科学含量明显增强,教师要充分挖掘教材蕴含的科学因素,激发学生对科学的兴趣,适时适量地对学生进行科学精神、科学思想、科学知识、科学方法等教育。1.激发科学兴趣。兴趣往往能诱 Primary and secondary science education is to train students innovative spirit and practical ability of an important way, is an integral part of quality education. At the same time as primary and secondary schools open their careers in science, they should also emphasize strengthening and penetrating science education in relevant disciplines and guiding students to establish a scientific spirit and master scientific methods. This article intends to carry out science education effectively in the teaching of small language and talk about some crude ideas. First, the classroom penetration: Excavating the scientific elements contained in the textbook, timely and appropriate amount of scientific education With the education reform as the core of the quality-oriented education, the scientific content of primary language teaching materials significantly increased, teachers should fully tap the textbook contains the scientific elements to stimulate Students interest in science, timely and appropriate students scientific spirit, scientific thinking, scientific knowledge, scientific methods and other education. 1. stimulate scientific interest Interest can often be tempted
为了提高失业职工的素质和专业技能 ,使他们尽快实现就业 ,3月13日 ,内蒙古包头市就业局、青山区就业局和市技工学校联合举办的2000年首期职工电脑培训班正式开学。开学典礼上 ,市劳
为向神经内科医生提供有关脑卒中的更多新鲜信息 ,在陈谅教授指导下 ,中国医科大学神经内科医师们又推出了本专辑 ,以飨读者。本专辑选译自日本《临床医》杂志 2 0 0 3年第 2