
来源 :中国经贸导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu6541
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北京市三露厂始建于1958年,是北京市人民政府为安置残疾人就业而设立的国有工业企业,1985年转产化妆品,并改为现名。1994年以来,北京市三露厂的经济效益连年大幅度上升,特别是在内需不足、市场疲软的大环境下,1996年以来连续3年保持护肤类产品市场销售? Beijing Sanlu Factory was established in 1958. It is a state-owned industrial enterprise set up by the Beijing Municipal People’s Government for the placement of disabled persons. In 1985, it changed its cosmetics and changed its name to its current name. Since 1994, the economic efficiency of Sanlu Factory in Beijing has increased significantly year after year. In particular, under the general environment of insufficient domestic demand and sluggish market conditions, sales of skin care products have been maintained for three consecutive years since 1996.
胃食管反流病是临床上常见疾病,现总结近10年来中西医治疗胃食管反流病的文献,从病因病机、中西医治疗、现代研究、存在问题及展望等方面进行分析总结。 Gastroesophageal r