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长期以来,我国内燃机产品管理分散,宏观调控不力,重复研制、生产、建设、引进情况比较严重,使国家有限的资金使用分散,严重影响了产品水平的提高和行业发展。为此,机械电子工业部,国家计划委员会,国家科学技术委员会联合发文,颁发了《“八五”~“九五”全国内燃机系列型谱及其实施管理办法》,以便从国家的整体利益出发,充分发挥系列型谱对产品发展的导向作用。为了有效地贯彻实施《“八五”~“九五”全国内燃机系列型谱》,在其实施管理办法中明确阐明:国家内燃机系列产品是国家支持发展的产品,各级主管部门在基建、技改、新产品试制生产计划、推荐外销及财税等方面要给予适当的安排和必要的政策优惠。而对 For a long time, the management of internal combustion engine products in our country has been decentralized and the macro-control has been ineffective. Repeated development, production, construction, and introduction have become more serious. This has caused the country’s limited use of funds to be dispersed, which has seriously affected the improvement of product levels and the development of the industry. To this end, the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics, the National Planning Commission, and the National Science and Technology Commission jointly issued a document to issue the “National Harmony Series of Internal Combustion Engines and its Implementing Measures” for the purpose of The overall interests of the starting point, give full play to the series of spectrum product development guide. In order to effectively implement the national spectrum of the internal combustion engine series of the “8th Five-Year Plan” to the “Ninth Five-Year Plan”, it is clarified in its implementation management measures that the national internal combustion engine series products are products that the state supports and develops, and the competent authorities at all levels We must give appropriate arrangements and necessary policy concessions in such areas as infrastructure construction, technical reforms, trial production plans for new products, recommended export sales, and fiscal and taxation. And right
A 省计经委、机电厅等九个单位,于一九九○年二月下达了《关于大力推广应用我省名优节能机电产品的规定》。其中称:「我省地方工程、技改项目所需的机电产品,凡我省有可供应