Practice and Exploration of Leisure Agriculture Construction in Inner Mongolia Agriculture and Anima

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanqianghuoer
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This article introduces the basic information about Inner Mongolia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Park, and the practice concerning leisure agriculture; summarizes the experience obtained. Finally, some ideas are put forth for further construction and development of leisure agriculture in science and technology park as follows: making unified layout and rational planning; integrating the local tourism resources, to establish the system of leisure agriculture; creating features of leisure agriculture in the park; establishing the brand of leisure-oriented training base in science and technology park; carrying out exploration into operation mode of leisure agriculture in the park. This article introduces the basic information about Inner Mongolia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Park, and the practice concerning leisure agriculture; summarizes the experience obtained. Finally, some ideas are put forth for further construction and development of leisure agriculture in science and technology park integrating the local tourism resources, to establish the system of leisure agriculture; creating features of leisure agriculture in the park; establishing the brand of leisure-oriented training base in science and technology park; carrying out exploration into operation mode of leisure agriculture in the park.
新年刚过,娱乐圈一片眼花缭乱。撩汉界的传奇人物邓文迪带着她21岁的模特男友给大家送上第一碗“狗粮”;徐静蕾导演、黄立行等主演的新片《绑架者》发布会伴随花式秀恩爱同步扑来;佟丽娅面对老公出轨的新闻,依旧表现得像一个美丽的梦游娃娃……  套路也好,深情也罢,事实上,大多数群众以为很幸福的明星婚姻下面,藏着的都是虱子。如鱼饮水,冷暖自知。对于女明星来说,也许只有拥有了强大而完整的内心世界,才不会害怕失去
目前,山东省东平县乡村两级债务清理工作已全部结束,截止1998年底,相继债务总额为3436万元,乡均202.1万元;经济债务总额9116万元,村均12.8万元。通过这次清查,基 At presen
(单位:千公顷)...‘〕.。““.么‘目一一习,资曰‘...一森林面积经过管理的郁闭林面积地区疏林郁闭林车仑伐保护林 非洲北美和中美洲 南美洲4839生3221 3762 3319 501277 77