
来源 :沈阳部队医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghuia23
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门诊部科室多,业务广,病人多,病种杂,与临床科室和门诊各科室之间的会诊、复诊、住院、转诊等服务环节多,如果疏于管理,很容易引起医患矛盾和医疗纠纷。几年来,我们以创全国百佳医院评审标准为依据,加强管理,强化优质服务,收 Outpatient departments and more departments, wide range of operations, patients, miscellaneous diseases, and clinical departments and outpatient departments in consultation, referral, hospitalization, referral and other service links, if neglect management, it is easy to cause conflicts between doctors and patients and Medical Dispute. Over the past few years, we create a national PARKnSHOP hospital review criteria as the basis, strengthen management, strengthen the quality of service, income
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2009年6月25日,当那个传奇的生命随风飘逝,一个时代也画上了句号。提及Michael Jackson,你也许会想到太空步,想到“流行天王”“天才舞者”甚至“未来访客”这样的称号。但毫
瓣、jl蜀墨麟;渤曩暑115墨塑慧薯-蠢謇咚∞、警亭亭察譬掣呼譬务][一I。/艮i懑嫒邗吃黢缓烟舅王零亢鲁工矫区卫三局党政领导HI子春风化细雨 爱心洒人间——各级领导关怀下的
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