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纸工艺术是神奇的。我从两年纸工艺术的实践中,深深感到了它的魅力,对纸这种司空见惯的寻常之物有了新的认识。我给学生折一只纸鸟,或给女儿做一件纸玩具,不管是漫不经心之作,亦或刻意求工而为,总感到纸被用来表现物体竟也是很美的。从已有的资料看,此道在国际上已有历史了,只是称法不同而已。有的称纸雕塑;有的称纸艺术造型,也有的称纸工艺美术。它在艺术和建筑院校是被用作对学生进行造型训练的一种手段。在中小学的手工课中,纸艺术也占了相当的比重,对培养少年儿童动脑动手的能力起了不小的作用。我选择了创作《中国龙舟》这一设想。可要完成它,谈何容易。要把我国传统的古建造艺术,用柔软的纸表现出来,这无疑是一次艰苦的探索和创作过程。 Paper art is magical. From the experience of paper art in two years, I deeply felt its charm and gained a new understanding of the commonplace thing that is commonplace in paper. I give my students a paper bird or a paper toy for her daughter. Whether it is carelessness or deliberate labor, I always feel that the paper is used to express the beautiful objects. Judging from the available information, this passage has a history in the world. It merely claims that it is different. Some call the paper sculpture; some call the paper art form, some also call the paper arts and crafts. It is used as a means of training students in art and architecture colleges. In the primary and middle school manual class, paper art also accounts for a considerable proportion, and plays an important role in cultivating children’s brains and hands-on skills. I chose to create “Chinese Dragon Boat” this idea. It is easier said than done. It is undoubtedly a painstaking exploration and creation process to show our traditional ancient art of construction with soft paper.
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