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美国埃默里大学里德教授的新著《巴赫金视域下的浪漫主义文学》立足于当下理论语境,综合运用巴赫金思想、尤其是他的哲学、美学、文学学与语言学思想,重新解读西方浪漫主义文学,对浪漫主义文学本体论、主体论、体裁论进行了独特的反思与创造性再建构。该书不但是具体运用巴赫金思想的一次有益尝试,而且丰富了浪漫主义文学研究方法论内涵,为“后理论时代”如何重审文学传统开辟了一条新的路径。 The new book by Professor Reed of the University of Emory in the United States, “The Romantic Literature in Bakhtin’s Field of Vision,” is based on the current theoretical context and makes use of Bakhtin’s thought, especially his philosophy of philosophy, aesthetics, literature and linguistics, Reinterpret the western romanticism literature and conduct a unique reflection and creative reconstruction of the romanticism ontology, subjectivity and genre theory. The book is not only a useful attempt to make concrete use of Bakhtin’s thought, but also enriches the connotation of the methodology of romantic literature research, opening up a new path for how to re-examine the literary tradition in the post-theoretical era.
主要介绍了建筑面积的概念和作用及房屋建筑面积的测量。 Mainly introduces the concept and function of building area and the measurement of building area.
4.皮质性白内障(cortical cataract)由于周边部晶体纤维层变性、分解、液化,在囊膜产生半透明的乳状液体,核失去支撑,棕色的胚胎核在液化的皮质中浮动,有时核亦液化。皮质性
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