面积 64,000平方公里人口 2,033,000人首都里加位于波罗的海里加湾的拉脱维亚,风景优美,士地肥沃。在丘陵起伏、湖泊星罗棋布的平原上生长着一望无际的饲料作物,它的播种面积占拉脱维亚的国营农场全部播种面积的73%和集体农庄的50%以上。这就使畜牧业成为拉脱维亚农业的主要部门,畜产品的生产如按人口平均计算则远远超过资本主义最发达的国家。1956年,拉脱维亚的牛奶产量按人口平均计算是522公斤,而美国只有343公斤。今年,拉脱维亚的奶油生产,按人口平均计算约达10公斤,相当于美国奶油生产水平的2.5倍。但是,1940年以前的旧拉脱维亚却不是这样的。
An area of 64,000 square kilometers Population 2,033,000 people The capital Riga is located in the Baltic Sea in Riga Bay of Latvia, beautiful scenery, fertile land. An endless stream of foraging crops grow on hilly terrain, lakes and plains, and its sown area accounts for 73% of the total sown area of state farms in Latvia and over 50% of collective farms. This has made livestock husbandry a major sector of Latvian agriculture, and the production of animal products on a population-by-population basis far exceeds that of the most capitalist countries. Latvia produced 522 kg of milk per capita in 1956, compared to 343 kg in the United States. This year, Latvia’s butter production, calculated on an average population of about 10 kilograms, is equivalent to 2.5 times the level of the U.S. butter production. However, old Latvia before 1940 did not.