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When Aaron Chong and his sister Angelique take their pet out for walks around their nei-ghborhood in Singapore, they receive friendly comments from strangers who mistake it for a small dog. Then, people realize that it isn\'t a furry dog but a fluffy (毛茸茸的) chicken. For the siblings (兄弟姐妹) though, they\'re almost the same thing.
1 Chinese clothes reflected Chinese aesthetics, philosophy (哲学), and social values as they changed through thousands of years of history. Most countries in the world have their own unique clothes, from which people are able to distinguish (区分) one country
You\'re never too old to learn, which is a concept that has been vividly illustrated by Xu Anling, a 70-year-old lady who recently graduated from one of China\'s top art universities.rnXu, who lives in Zhujing town, Jinshan District of Shanghai, obtai
In the 1980s, China was one of the first countries in the world to extensively test the use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs,药浸蚊帐) for the prevention of malaria, well before nets were re-commended by WHO for malaria control.rnBy 1988, more than 2.4 milli
My father was deaf. Even so, Daddy Ben was undefeated.“It is better to laugh at life,”he\'d say.“It makes a hard time easier.”rnI began to understand what he meant one evening when my mother told me to phone a message to my father at the shop where he w
Each year, more deaths occur because of flooding than any other disasters related to thun-derstorms. The most common flood deaths occur when a vehicle is driven into dangerous floodwater. Fortunately, you can take steps to protect yourself, your family, a
The baguette is a mix of wheat flour, water, yeast and salt. Like the Eiffel Tower, the baguette is also a symbol of France. Also, it may soon join UNESCO\'s listing of cultural treasures.rnBakers say the traditional craft loaf, whose purchase from the
TikTok users are posting videos of themselves swinging their arms around in an attempt to try to avoid any pain in the days following after they got an injection.rnIn the explanation for one video, the poster wrote,“I hope, through this movement, my arm w
Britain could become the second country in the world to have a monument removed from world heritage status by UNESCO. That monument is Liverpool\'s magnificent waterfront.rnAnd, as if to brush off this shame, Boris John-son and his government intend to
Despite some challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghanaians\' craze for the Chinese language continues, Chinese Director of the Confu-cius Institute at the University of Ghana Chu Bei-juan said.rnDuring a Chinese proficiency (熟练) competi-tion named“
1 Over ten people have walked on the moon since humans landed there, but no one has ever directly touched its surface. Those astronauts wore spacesuits outside the lander. No one ever took off a glove or a boot while standing on the moon.rn2“Once we got i