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两次世界大战结束后,战胜国对德国问题的处理导致了迥然不同的结果,文章试图探寻这种不同结果的外部根源。文章认为,一战后由于美国坚持要求英法等欧洲国家偿付战争债务,致使后者在德国赔款问题上实施了过度榨取的政策,从而引发了一战后德国国内政治经济的持续动荡,为德国国内极端政治势力的崛起提供了条件。最终,美国不仅没能如数收回债务,反而被卷入二战。而二战结束后,美国实施的马歇尔计划为欧洲重建提供了启动资金,帮助欧洲恢复了经济,抑制了德国国内的极端政治势力,稳固了联邦德国的新生政权,重建了战后国际秩序,同时也实现了美国自身的国家利益。通过对比美国在两次世界大战后的不同对外经济战略所导致的不同结果,文章试图阐明,随着当代世界安全结构的变迁,大国的利益半径在扩大,与他国的关联利益日趋明显,要实现自身的国家利益,就需要关照包括竞争对手在内的其他国家的利益。 After the end of the two world wars, the victorious state’s treatment of Germany led to very different results. The article sought to explore the external causes of such different results. The article argues that after World War I, the United States insisted that European countries such as Britain and France pay the debt of war, resulting in the latter being over-squeezed on the German indemnity policy, which triggered the continuing turmoil in Germany’s domestic political and economic after World War I, The rise of extremist political forces provided the conditions. In the end, not only was the United States unable to recover its debts, it was instead involved in World War II. After World War II, the Marshall Plan implemented by the United States provided the start-up capital for the reconstruction of Europe, helped Europe recover its economy, suppressed the extreme political forces in Germany, stabilized the renaissance regime in the Federal Republic of Germany and rebuilt the post-war international order, The United States has realized its own national interest. By comparing the different outcomes caused by the different foreign economic strategies of the United States after the two world wars, the article attempts to clarify that with the change of the security structure in the contemporary world, the interest radius of big powers is expanding and the interests of linking with other countries are becoming increasingly clear. For its own national interest, it is necessary to take care of the interests of other countries, including its competitors.
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